Boyolali organic rice. Success story in the Food Tank by numbers report

Boyolali organic rice. Success story in the Food Tank by numbers report

in News

In their recent report 'Food Tank by numbers', the Food Think Tank highlights new research showing how family farms can nourish the world while protecting the environment. One of the success stories highligted in this report is the Boyolali organic rice program by the members of APPOLI, a farmer organisation supported by VECO Indonesia.

The report states: "Supporting family farmers’ livelihoods through facilitating access to markets can have a substantial and significant effect on increasing rural incomes, which includes 70 percent of the world’s poor. Organic certification for family farmers has also had a positive effect on their incomes—in Indonesia, the Boyolali Farmers’ Association, Asosiasi Petani Padi Organik Boyolali [APPOLI], has shown a 40 percent reduction in production costs because of organic farming practices, and the market price of the organic rice that they grow is 20 percent higher than non-organic rice. "

To the food tank site and Food tank by numbers report.