Sustainable food system policy development

Sustainable food system policy development

We guide the bottom-up development of your sustainable food strategy in co-creation with all food actors.

In recent years we have supported several cities in developing a food strategy. A food strategy is an excellent tool to collaboratively work on a policy framework tailored to your needs and context, with input from all actors. This approach ensures a shared ownership of the food transition in your city and offers the best chances that the various stakeholders will also effectively commit to implementation.

A food strategy is a collectively developed policy with a vision, strategic goals and operational activities aimed at making your city region food system more sustainable and accessible, for everyone. We guide you through the four steps of developing your own food strategy:

After our guidance, you will have:

  • A clear and action-oriented food strategy;
  • A broad and committed network of partners and actors that share ownership;
  • A governance mechanism to follow up and steer the dynamics;
  • A global network of cities to engage with and learn from.

Discover our track record

Do you want to get started?

Don't hesitate to get in touch.

Thibault Geerardyn
Thibault Geerardyn
Directeur van Rikolto in België
+32 16 31 65 83