GoodFood@School programme presented at seminar "Broodnodig / Before it's too late"

GoodFood@School programme presented at seminar "Broodnodig / Before it's too late"


On Thursday 16 February, the Flemish educational council (Vlor) and the Department of Education and Training organised a seminar on health policies at school. And this is – as the title might have given away – not a day too late!

Vredeseilanden/VECO was invited to the seminar as one of the lecturers and to reveal the new school programme: GoodFood@School. This programme intends to make the food offer within the school environment more sustainable. The programme includes all types of food (from hot meals to sandwiches), aims at zero food waste and promotes sustainable ingredients.

Currently, the Flemish government has no general guidelines on sustainable food in schools. Until now, the focus of similar initiatives has been only on health and food safety. Recently an agreement was signed to phase out sodas and snacks in schools by 2020-2021. Today most schools already implement this in their policy.

With the GoodFood@School programme, VECO wants to introduce sustainability in all nutritional aspects of school life and create awareness in the next generations. The lecture made our programme known to a number of interesting actors and created an opportunity for future networking.

If you would like more information about our school programme, click here: (in Dutch)